Board of Advisors
July 26, 2017
A word about these individuals from Dr. Jim Dyke…
These are men who have served as mentors and advisors to me — providing business direction, professional advice, and personal encouragement. They are seasoned and experienced professionals in the areas of management and leadership; executive performance; organizational development; human and organizational psychology; and executive coaching.
They are also men of wisdom and insight! I value their opinions; I admire their character; I aspire to achieve their level of success; and… I treasure their friendship.
Their breadth and depth of experience have informed much of the work that I do and have provided an added dimension of depth in content; strategic applications of learning theory; and practical wisdom in organizational and corporate culture.
Robert Lorber, Ph.D.
Dr. Robert L. Lorber is President of The Lorber Kamai Consulting Group. His organization has implemented productivity improvement systems for companies on five continents, including Kraft Foods, SantaFe International, Occidental Petroleum, Gillette, American Express, Mattel, Wells Fargo, Pillsbury, and many others. Dr. Lorber is an internationally recognized expert and published author on executive coaching, performance management, leadership, teamwork, life planning, culture and developing strategy. He has co-authored several books, including the New York Times bestseller, Putting the One Minute Manager to Work. In addition to his executive coaching, consulting, writing and speaking pursuits, Dr. Lorber is an Associate Professor of his alma mater — the Graduate School of Management of the University of California at Davis — where he teaches two courses on Leadership.
Jim Dudleston
Jim Dudleston is President of Advisory Group, the firm he founded in 1988. Jim is a trained psychologist with over 30 years experience in industrial psychology, human resources, leadership development, employee training, and executive coaching. He has personally presented over 2,000 workshops for organizations, making him one of the most experienced speakers in the corporate training industry. He has created and published workshop materials on 30 different subjects. Jim conducts studies on employee productivity and workgroup performance for corporate clients. He also consults on employee testing and psychological assessments in the workplace. As an executive coach, he has served a variety of executive leaders, including members of President George W. Bush’s administration. During his work with Advisory Group, he served for over ten years as Senior Vice President of Operations at TriVita, an Arizona company specializing in the wellness industry by manufacturing and marketing nutritional supplements, conducting research with medical schools, and publishing educational materials.
James C. Galvin, Ed.D.
Jim is an organizational consultant specializing in strategic facilitation for a wide variety of organizations. He has completed successful projects for the Department of Health and Human Services, National Guard Bureau, American Bar Association, Prison Fellowship, Promise Keepers, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Leadership Network, Christian Leadership Alliance, World Relief, DeVos Foundation, Todd Beamer Foundation, MB Foundation, Mission Increase Foundation, and many community-based nonprofits. As an author, Jim has been published by Zondervan, Tyndale House, Thomas Nelson, Baker, Navpress, Moody Press, Intervarsity Press, Concordia, and Focus on the Family.
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